
Talk To Me Project - Behind the interview
05/18/2012 This month we had the opportunity to show you a fantastic interview to Shannon and Antoine in Kiev, conducted by the team of TALK TO ME Project.
This interview attracted our attention, in which we could see something completely different, funny and totally spontaneous.
Today we have the pleasure to present what was behind the interview, drawn by one of the journalist that made that interview possible.
We hope you enjoy Muddafuggaz!!
We (SLW) have the opportunity to interview one of the journalists of TALK TO ME Project (TTM), Marina K.:
SLW. What exactly is Talk To Me Project? Why did you make that kind of interview?
TTM. "There three of us in Talk To Me -Vitaly, he is our eyes (I mean - photo and video); Lena and me-. We're from Kiev, Ukraine and we are working as journalists for last 5 or 6 years, and have conducted some interviews with really good musicians, but we wrote it for magazines (as Rolling Stones Russia), so it was always only printed stuff. Therefore so much fun had been left behind the closed doors - our interaction with musicians, their manners, mood, jokes, contagious laughing, gestures, bloopers, smiles, glances.
And one more thing that bothered us in interviews was questions. Musicians are so tired of the typical questions they have to answer in every city while touring, that most part of it they answer automatically. We wanted to ask something that would be interesting for us as well as for musicians. So you can see reaction, you can see another side of personality, you can hear something unexpected. And we decided to start and shoot someone (it came to our mind after the interview with amazing Hurts band, we meet twice in one year). Our 'someone' became SLetoABecks. I can say Antoine and Shannon are kind of our godfathers."
SLW. SLetoABecks makes a show between a concert and a DJ set. How was your experience on the show?
TTM. "My personal experience of the show -one most hysterical I ever saw-. It was pure sex and desire in the air you can cut with a knife. And yes, we've got some personal direct Shannimal's glances and waves. It's priceless."
SLW. Describe Shannon and Antoine in three words.
TTM. "Shannon - cap, beard, sunglasses. You're going to meet one of the most beautiful and charming men in the world and he is hiding himself behind all this camouflage! What a fail! But as everyone knows, three words for Shannon are hot, hot, hot... Antoine - smile, charm, borshch. You know, this 'soup' or 'russian soup' in translations of our interview is actually Ukrainian traditional meal, really tasty, I'm in your team, Antoine!"
SLW. What did you find fascinating about the guys?
TTM. "Guys welcomed and hug us, Antoine took off his sunglasses for saying ‘Hi’, they both seemed really involved in conversation, it was rare feeling of relaxation during the interview when you’re always out of time. After the interview Shannon said: “Do you guys, need photo or something?”. We choose photo, but you know, I think I should have chosen ‘something’ instead).
In the moment of shooting Shannon made this funny ‘Meow!’ so I can’t stop laughing, but he kept his pokerface. I still wonder how. And one more thing (as I’ve been standing next to Shannon), Do you want to know the smell 'Beardy Sweat Sweat Muddafuggaz' is? There was nothing at all, he smells just Shannon. And he was hot, literally hot, that is not surprise when it’s +25C in Kiev and Shannon is wearing something fur-lined.
Antoine is so opened and a sincere guy! It was pure pleasure to talk to him. It seemed like he enjoys every moment of the show and behind. I think we have to ask him more questions; this guy has a LOT to tell us."
SLW. Did you kept the desire to ask more questions?
TTM. "Of course! We bite our elbows because we wanted to ask more and so many questions left in our minds and they still appear!"
SLW. If you could go back to the moment of the interview, what would you say to yourself?
TTM. "1.- Ask Shannon to take off this damn cap and sunglasses! He has so beautiful eyes!
2.- Choose ‘something’, girl! (I’m joking)."
SLW. Would you repeat a SLAB Show?
TTM. "Definitely! We swear. We promise. Or at least we really want it."
@темы: photos, 2012, административное, show, interview, 22-04-2012 Kiev Ukraine @ Sullivan Room, set, Bio